Monday, May 16, 2011

Freedom. Such a beautiful and bewitching word! It is a word that inspires wherever it is spoken. Freedom is a glorious thing to someone who has been in any kind of trap before. Especially a trap like school. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. There is this ridiculous system of education in this country that makes very little sense at all. Once you graduate high school, the "logical" next step is to go to college. Why? Well, we are expected to educate ourselves in order to prepare for a career. So we can live the "American Dream". HA!
What is the "American Dream", anyway? Does anyone live it? As a young adult I just cannot justify throwing monstrous amounts of money after a degree that doesn't necessarily guarantee a stable and successful future. Look at colleges/universities nowadays! They are these extravagant, expensively maintained resorts! For what purpose?! I could sit in a library, read all day, and get a more thorough education than I would recieve by living on campus at some hoity toity university! The standards of a good education are decreasing while the price on obtaining said education is rising! But it is all in the name of future career options, because we all know that getting a decent job without that bona fide degree is basically impossible. It is a system that I can't understand and I don't agree with. Is there any way to change it?
The real problem with this, like anything, is that it stems from heart and attitude problems. People are lazy and want to cheat the system in their favor any chance they get. Naturally, employers want to see discipline, commitment and diligence. A degree looks like a promising sign of those much-desired qualities. But going to school doesn't necessarily mean that an individual has a good work ethic! It's a ploy. Now I'm not knocking education. I am all about learning new things. However, the problem here is the pointlessness of a system that involves literally "buying" a job.  It isn't justifiable to me. The "American Dream" is a fantasy. A laughable fantasy.
So what can we do? I seem to be very adept at digging up questions that don't have easy answers. All I know how to do is to be sincere, to work diligently, and to do everything unto the Lord. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. We look at things through the wrong lense all the time and it just leads to frustration and depression. We were not made to live some kind of "American Dream". There is a much bigger picture that we often times ignore. Thank God, that He provides and that He will never let us down. I'm grateful that He is so faithful and bigger than my college complaints! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Splunk butt into swivel-chair,
it sinks slowly.
Scootch up to the desk,
the cool surface chills my skin.
Hand chases the mouse—
that cold, clicky rodent.
Cursor to the icon…
“Basic ISP”
Right click for menu,
Left click “connect”.
The hourglass appears…
blank white screen.
Eyes drag to the bottom of the page
heart holds a beat,
Only 20 items remaining…
A dazzling flash—
all colors, pictures, and words!
the page has arriv—