Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I love this crazy insane life....

Well it's been far far too long since the last time I "blogged." Hmmmm.
Allow me to explain...
I got found by this certain guy that seemed to find the fact that I adore trucks irresistible. He also didn't run away when I planted my pontiac in a whole mess of mud in the yard.
I gotta keep this guy!
The only hangup is; I get very little done these days! My existence has undergone an extreme change and I'm oh so not used to this. I love it! Me...the "perpetually busy one" is spending so much time actually enjoying someone else's company with no particular job or purpose in mind and It's AWESOME!
He has lots of great stories that I am dying to write about too! Seriously. Could it get any better? :-) Anyways, besides being very happy and slightly worthless lately I have been wanting to write more. And the only way to do that is to simply do it.
One of my absolute favorite things to do is going driving. Not necessarily to any place in particular, but just to drive around for a long time. Not the most practical hobby, I know. But you get to see new sights and just talk.
If you want to get a taste of the culture in America, go driving. You will learn a lot. There are a wide variety of  "homes" and just different places that are unique with their own stories and flavor. I know that we like to slap labels on things, but there is always a deeper story behind the twelve broke-down cars in that guy we would call a "redneck"s front yard. Or the baby crimson king maple tree growing beside the house. A pot hole in the gravel driveway; a young mom chasing her muddy kid through the yard; an old German Shepard lounging on the patio, following your progress past his turf only with cloudy brown is made up of these mundane and mildly moldy details and we see them everyday.
There's a thousand stories there. I love it.
So run out and snatch up those quirky details...those odd scenarios and look deeeper...sometimes that's all it takes to just make your whole week completely different. Don't miss out on what's right there behind the screen of ordinary. :-)  

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