Monday, July 30, 2012

Dreams, stars and AIRPLANES

Do you ever wish you were a world traveler?
I do sometimes.
There's so much that you can learn just by reading and listening to other people tell their experiences; their stories. But inside there always seems to remain a piece of me that just longs to see the sights with more than just my imagination. I want to go to England and see first-hand the places that Dickens wrote about in Our Mutual Friend and David Copperfield and Martin Chuzzlewit. I want to meet Augustus Snodgrass and Eugene Wrayburn and adopt some of their idiosyncrasies.
I'd also love to go to P.E. Island and see the "Lake of Shining Waters," that Anne Shirley was so fond of.
Or Egypt. Blow some dust off a wall of hieroglyphs in an ancient pyramid...and just grin. I think that would be so cool.
If I had an extraordinary amount of money I'd go buy a castle in Ireland or somewhere...find a nice big one that had history and integrity to be protected. Archaic buildings are always more fun. I'd even sacrifice my burning desire for a moat full of crocodiles and just be content with some bushes and a few great danes. Think of all the fun you could have playing hide-n-seek in a castle!
The Netherlands is another place I have always wanted to visit. My family is from the Netherlands and there's just mass amounts of family history there waiting for me to go experience it! I'd visit Maasland and take a thousand pictures of windmills.
There are too many places to visit! Italy, Africa, just drives me crazy when I think too much about it. I keep telling myself to simply focus on the experiences and adventures that I do have...right here and right now.
Here's one:
Once, when my family and a few of our friends were out camping we all laid out on our backs on an amphitheatre and watched a meteor shower. It was amazing. Shining fire beams shooting across a pitch-black sky, I love it. There's something about the stars...they are so glorious! And they are everywhere! So, no matter where you travel, you will always be able to see them. It's like one experience God wanted everyone everywhere to have. So amazing.
The one experience that I've always longed to have is FLYING. I just think it's extraordinary. I've been told that flying is dangerous, or it's mundane, or even nauseating. I don't know what it feels like, but I just wish I could experience it and see for myself. Something I can't name tells me I'll love it.
I want to fly. :-)

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