Sunday, October 9, 2011

IN courage

Sometimes...sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what to write. I think of all of you who read my blog and I wonder what you need to hear, what would encourage you. There are many times when I am able to just spew out words that flow well and have a lot of depth. You may smile and laugh and think "wow, she is a good writer."
But then there are other times...the hard times. When all of the emotion inside of me lays like a solid lump in my middle and the thoughts I have get stuck somewhere in that lump and it's like untangling a mess of knotted up necklaces to get the words out in some form of sensible order. Each word is a struggle. I can't write, I can't make you smile or laugh cause I have nothing clever to give you.
I just want to be raw and honest and, most of all, sincere. No matter what you have going on in your life right now, hold on to God. He is faithful. I don't yet fully understand what that means, but He is showing me. Even if you feel completely alone and have a whole mess of hurt that you don't know how to bear. He is there with you and you just have to believe that even when you can't feel it.
Be brave.
I am writing this mostly to myself, but if you need it too, well, here it is. We were never promised an easy life, but God promised to be with us. He chose us, created us, in order that He might love us. 
Love--true, pure, honest love--is never wasted.
No one else can sympathize with your hurt and understand your heart like God. Honestly, He made you that way, and knows exactly what you are going through.

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