Monday, September 5, 2011

This blog is impossible to title

Now, now, don't look at me like that...
Oh alright, I have a ready list of logical and rational excuses to justify my lack of blogging in the past...uh, month. Yikes.
Well, nevermind excuses. They always sound whiney and unnecessary anyway.
So what would you like to read today? A mystery, fantasy, fiction, true story...? Sometimes you just need a good story, I know.
Once upon a time...
 I was pretty sure someone stole my umbrella while I was at school. Honestly! I can't find it anywhere and I am certainly not the type to lose things.
The fact that someone would stoop to steal another person's umbrella is just pathetic. Fortunately for me, I don't care too much about the missing umbrella. I tend to forget I even own an umbrella, leaving it in the car, and usually end up running around getting perfectly drenched in the rain anyway.
Hrmph, who needs a stupid umbrella anyhow? Rain is awesome! It's even kind of romantic in a soggy sort of way. It's real. Rain washes away weak, dirty, fake, and wishy-washy things to expose what is underneath. What's real and authentic. So many people run around like chickens, sheilding themselves from the rain to save their hair or makeup or clothes...and I want to laugh cause I could just stand in the rain, like a duck, with my arms stretched out, welcoming it. Everyone loves to smile when the sun's shining, because it's so happy and easy.
But try it in the rain.
A smile in the rain is worth a thousand in the sunshine.
Forgive me for waxing poetic, I haven't done that in a long time! Been far too busy lately being professional, which is a terrible fate for anyone with an ornery sense of humor. No room for poetics or my amusing antics in being professional.
I have been watching football, lots of football, recently. It's another world completely, let me tell ya! I am becoming a stranger person every year of my life. Reading Dickens, watching football, drinking black coffee, writing, babysitting, and working on my beloved yet problematic vehicle...I feel like a smoothie mixed with ingredients that just don't belong together. Next thing you know I will be demolishing houses and piloting jets or something!
Hmmm...that might be kind of fun, actually.
This past week, I had a basket of fried pickle chips. Yet another life-goal crossed off my bucket list! They were amazing. Though, I really don't think they were claussen pickles (which, are the best pickles I have ever had in my life).
Oh, and I made a discovery today, it just might be about time to upgrade to a new laptop! I am sitting here, at my grandparents' house, tapping along on old faithful when I notice that my grandma is looking around, searching for something. She finally arrives by my side and says, "Oh is that your computer?!" I replied that it was, indeed, my computer. Grandma says, "That's what that noise is! I thought someone was running a vacuum!" So, you all should be full of pity for me, it's a miracle I can hear myself think over the humming of this computer! :)
Live your life laughing and making legendary discoveries this week!
Oh, and keep your umbrella under lock and key if you object to getting rained on! It's a sinister just never know who might swipe your umbrella!

1 comment:

  1. Your "atypical smoothie" life sounds rather fun and adventurous to me. So happy to see you haven't boxed yourself into a mundane point of view while exploring the many possibilities the world has to offer. Just keep your heart and soul anchored in Christ and you can fly in any direction the wind blows.
    PS. Staying dry on a warm rainy day is over-rated.
