Thursday, April 14, 2011

This morning came way too fast. My cell phone started playing my morning wake-up song and I was thinking that there was no justice in this life. That thought lingered over my morning bowl of oatmeal as well, which was flavorless AND watery. Though, I can't decide how I loathe it more, flavorless and watery or flavorless and sticky. At least my older brother, whom I affectionately call "Mooch" is home from his trip to the Dominican Republic! I can't wait to pick his brain about all the experiences he had on this latest mission's trip. I'm sure he has some great stories.
I was really excited to see that a bunch of you were interested in my blog! I have a lot of poetry that I want to put on here and there's some fun short stories I had written a while ago that I thought you all might find humorous too. I will try to get those up as soon as possible. Also, don't forget to look at my "Words of a Wiseman" below on this page. I have a wealth of great quotes that I will try to change up every so often to give you wonderful folks something to ponder.
Well, I have a class to run off to right now, but stay posted cause there's some great stuff soon to come!
P.S. I encourage all of you who have opinions and creative minds (ALL OF YOU) to start your own blogs! I would love to follow some of you and it is really a blast to write like this. :)

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