Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cleveland--part two

That panic gripped him, grappled with his heart. Cleveland wanted nothing in the world but to be able to turn around and high-tail it back home. He didn't like snakes. Scratch that, he hated them. Not because of what they were essentially, but because he feared what they could do. Hate born of fear is a deadly thing. It wants nothing to do with the object of it's terror, so the two options are usually run or kill.
Cleveland's hand traveled slowly down to the canvas-covered bag hanging at his side. The jar. Grandma Rea's eyes flashed before his face. That deep, wise penetration sliced into his heart. He couldn't run. Not today.
But his strength and his speed were not enough to kill, either. What could he do? Courage is found in unlikely places, they say. At the very moment where Cleveland decided he would get past that snake or die trying, a sparrow, of all creatures, flitted out of the brush onto the path before the snake. Immediately the snake struck out at the bird. That small sparrow darted back just in time, leading the snake after it and, consequently, away from the path.
The little brown bird twittered and flirted with the snake, almost arrogant in the face of such grave danger. Cleveland was amazed. And somehow he felt that it was for him. For his sake. But, that would be silly; they were only creatures...like the butterfly.
As soon as the snake was beyond striking distance, Cleveland rushed forward along the path, past the dreaded snake. He ran at a steady clip, flying over the rough, weedy terrain. The panic still pumped through his blood, keeping him from slowing his pace for some time. He wondered about the sparrow. He hoped the bird had not been caught. He reflected on his own fear, his own lack of courage, compared to that of the bird. What boldness had possessed the sparrow? Maybe it was just a crazy bird, or one that liked danger. Bewildering.
He tried to tell himself that Grandma Rea would have been proud of him if she had been a witness to the encounter with the snake. She would have thought him brave and strong and smiled for his courage! But something inside him knew better.
Grandma Rea would have smiled at the sparrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cleveland--the beginning...

Once upon a time there was a determined little boy making a long journey up to the top of a mountain. He was just eleven years old, but anyone could see there was a profound spirit deep within his large brown eyes that far surpassed his years.
The boy was daring; his little calloused feet were always bare and his eager face was tanned from constant exposure to the sun. He was determined to get to the top of the mountain, come what may.
The boy's name was Cleveland, and all he had with him was a dingy bag bearing a most unusual and precious cargo; a jar with a butterfly. It was not just any butterfly either, it was a butterfly that no scientist could ever have identified, for it was the only one of its kind ever found.
Cleveland, being the clever boy that he was, had miraculously come across the creature and captured it for his grandmother. Her 91st birthday had been the perfect occasion for his special gift. When he had presented the beautiful butterfly to his dear grandmother, larger tears had welled up in her aged hazel eyes. She had taken the jar in her old, withered hands and gazed at the butterfly with an expression of sorrow that Cleveland had not expected.
"Cleveland," Grandmother Rea had said, "why have you caught and caged this poor creature?" The young boy's heart had dropped at her softly spoken reprimand. Her words had stunned him, as she held the jar out to him and again spoke. "Look deeper, Cleveland. This is a free and flying creature. Yes, it is very beautiful, but that is no reason to trap it so."
Cleveland had looked and tried to see what was so evident to his grandmother, he had told her he was sorry that he had not realized what he had done. He couldn't quite understand it, even though he wanted to. Grandmother Rea took his small, sun-browned face in her hands and had told him to take it to the top of the mountain, set it free, and that would be her gift.
So Cleveland, filled with redemptive determination, set out on a journey to the mountain top. To release his prize...the captive butterfly. It was a long way up to the top of the mountain, but Cleveland fixed his eyes upon the summit and began his hike. Over rocks and roots, and through weeds, thistles and trees he climbed. But this he was used to, the wilderness and the wild brush were like old, well-worn paths to the child.
It was warm, with the sun shining golden upon his smooth brow. The wind swirled about the mountain, whispering wildly through the leaves. The air tasted cool and crisp, its sweeping motion soothing his spirit like a dear friend. With the wind urging him onward, Cleveland smiled to himself. There seemed to be no opposition, just encouragement for the journey before him.
Off to the side of his path, a small sinister slither caught the corner of his eye...hoping it wasn't a snake, Cleveland turned fast to see a long brightly-colored cord weaving through the bushes. A darting panic shot through his brain as he analyzed the diamond-shaped head. Instinctively drawing his foot backwards, a strong breeze tugged at his body. His eyes were pinned to the snake, a cold shiver of fear racing down his spine.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A story...

I will be posting a recent short story I have been working on in segments here on the blog. The story is about a little boy named Cleveland who is on a journey to redeem himself in the eyes of his beloved grandmother. The obstacles along the way serve to test his character, proving in the end whether he came out tried and true...or not. I started writing this story on June 2, 2011 and I have been on a bit of a journey myself since I began the writing. It turns out that it is the hard decisions we make that truly determine how our character is shaped, and I wanted you to see that how I feel it.
I hope that you enjoy this story and maybe take away something from it that you didn't expect.
Allow me to introduce...Cleveland.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

IN courage

Sometimes...sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what to write. I think of all of you who read my blog and I wonder what you need to hear, what would encourage you. There are many times when I am able to just spew out words that flow well and have a lot of depth. You may smile and laugh and think "wow, she is a good writer."
But then there are other times...the hard times. When all of the emotion inside of me lays like a solid lump in my middle and the thoughts I have get stuck somewhere in that lump and it's like untangling a mess of knotted up necklaces to get the words out in some form of sensible order. Each word is a struggle. I can't write, I can't make you smile or laugh cause I have nothing clever to give you.
I just want to be raw and honest and, most of all, sincere. No matter what you have going on in your life right now, hold on to God. He is faithful. I don't yet fully understand what that means, but He is showing me. Even if you feel completely alone and have a whole mess of hurt that you don't know how to bear. He is there with you and you just have to believe that even when you can't feel it.
Be brave.
I am writing this mostly to myself, but if you need it too, well, here it is. We were never promised an easy life, but God promised to be with us. He chose us, created us, in order that He might love us. 
Love--true, pure, honest love--is never wasted.
No one else can sympathize with your hurt and understand your heart like God. Honestly, He made you that way, and knows exactly what you are going through.

Monday, September 5, 2011

This blog is impossible to title

Now, now, don't look at me like that...
Oh alright, I have a ready list of logical and rational excuses to justify my lack of blogging in the past...uh, month. Yikes.
Well, nevermind excuses. They always sound whiney and unnecessary anyway.
So what would you like to read today? A mystery, fantasy, fiction, true story...? Sometimes you just need a good story, I know.
Once upon a time...
 I was pretty sure someone stole my umbrella while I was at school. Honestly! I can't find it anywhere and I am certainly not the type to lose things.
The fact that someone would stoop to steal another person's umbrella is just pathetic. Fortunately for me, I don't care too much about the missing umbrella. I tend to forget I even own an umbrella, leaving it in the car, and usually end up running around getting perfectly drenched in the rain anyway.
Hrmph, who needs a stupid umbrella anyhow? Rain is awesome! It's even kind of romantic in a soggy sort of way. It's real. Rain washes away weak, dirty, fake, and wishy-washy things to expose what is underneath. What's real and authentic. So many people run around like chickens, sheilding themselves from the rain to save their hair or makeup or clothes...and I want to laugh cause I could just stand in the rain, like a duck, with my arms stretched out, welcoming it. Everyone loves to smile when the sun's shining, because it's so happy and easy.
But try it in the rain.
A smile in the rain is worth a thousand in the sunshine.
Forgive me for waxing poetic, I haven't done that in a long time! Been far too busy lately being professional, which is a terrible fate for anyone with an ornery sense of humor. No room for poetics or my amusing antics in being professional.
I have been watching football, lots of football, recently. It's another world completely, let me tell ya! I am becoming a stranger person every year of my life. Reading Dickens, watching football, drinking black coffee, writing, babysitting, and working on my beloved yet problematic vehicle...I feel like a smoothie mixed with ingredients that just don't belong together. Next thing you know I will be demolishing houses and piloting jets or something!
Hmmm...that might be kind of fun, actually.
This past week, I had a basket of fried pickle chips. Yet another life-goal crossed off my bucket list! They were amazing. Though, I really don't think they were claussen pickles (which, are the best pickles I have ever had in my life).
Oh, and I made a discovery today, it just might be about time to upgrade to a new laptop! I am sitting here, at my grandparents' house, tapping along on old faithful when I notice that my grandma is looking around, searching for something. She finally arrives by my side and says, "Oh is that your computer?!" I replied that it was, indeed, my computer. Grandma says, "That's what that noise is! I thought someone was running a vacuum!" So, you all should be full of pity for me, it's a miracle I can hear myself think over the humming of this computer! :)
Live your life laughing and making legendary discoveries this week!
Oh, and keep your umbrella under lock and key if you object to getting rained on! It's a sinister world...you just never know who might swipe your umbrella!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mocha Iced Coffee and Cars that are Determined to Leak Antifreeze

Ever have one of those times where you feel like everything is breaking down, blowing up, and failing but you realize that you are getting through it somehow? It is almost so overwhelming that you have to pick and choose what you feel and don't feel. And, it is a growing process also. LIFE is a growing process, I'm convinced that it never stops. We are always being tried and tested and having our character picked at and pulled and stretched and...well you get the picture.
I can't help but think that something knocked over the box of all my fears and they have all come flooding onto me at once, and I sit still and just look amazed at this mess of fears and wonder what to do with it all. You can't always control what you feel, but how you react to that feeling is absolutely up to you. It can be almost an onslaught of emotion that you don't know how to deal with. But you still have a choice.
I don't like not being able to physically fix a problem. I always feel a responsibility to fix it. Recently my car has been going through some insane epidemic where it is DETERMINED to leak antifreeze, one way or another. And I hate feeling like I can't fix it. But the truth is, I can't.
And it is not just my car that is bubbling with problems, it is like every area of my life is getting hit with issues. It's messy. First instinct=fix the problems! And the more I try, the more I realize that I can't. I just can't. And that's ok. My way of fixing things is not God's way. It's like duct taping a shelf together instead of using nails. Crappy.
We look at ourselves when we are young and just imagine what our lives will be like when we "grow up". Now, I don't know about yours, but all my childhood dreams about the future involved the idea that life was somehow going to be perfect. Like a fairy tale. And here I am, 20 years old, sipping my mocha iced coffee and writing about all these problems I can't fix. 10-year-old Bethany would have been appalled. But the truth is, sometimes we have to have struggles in our life so that the flaws in our thinking can be exposed. God calls us to renew our minds. (Romans 12:2 --"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing, and perfect will.") I don't know what He has planned for my life, but I do know that He is God. I can trust Him.
Be encouraged in your heart, because God is not blind or deaf. He knows what is going on in your life, in your heart. And He will be there with you through whatever you may face. Believe Him. Seek Him. Love Him. And watch His hand move in your life. :]

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ik ben klaar met angst

Fear. It has a grip that can tear you to pieces if you let it. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything more dangerous than fear. It wrecks things. Stops dreams that only require a risk or two. If it weren't for fear think how much more we would experience!
But there just isn't an instant cure for that cold, cruel terror...It has to be fought against, overcome. And it is hard to fight. I've always been a scaredy cat, ever since I was a child. I look at birds, lightning bugs, and horses and feel such jealousy! To see their spirit of freedom, careless beauty, no restraints...I wish I had that. I wish I were brave.
What holds us back? It seems to me that we feel just as much pain in hiding as we might feel by taking that leap into the unknown. Nothing good comes easy, that I do know. And if, to reach that good, there is struggle, hardship, and some pain along the way...well then bring it. "For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again" (Proverbs 24:16).

Life isn't easy,
not a dream, but reality
that calls you to stand
when you think you can't.
Life deals a cruel blow,
when you're already low,
and Heart urges you to rise and win!
When you do, Life knocks you down again.
But the opposition endured a little longer
will only make your soul grow stronger.
As character holds through the fire each time,
your heart will emerge as silver refined.
So get up again, don't give up now or ever
the fight will be honored when we reach Forever.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mountains and Yellow Jackets

I make discoveries every day! I spent a week in the beautiful mountains of Tennessee and realized that there is a bitterness more acute than almost anything I've known about being on top of a mountain and not having the devine ability to fly! Standing at the highest point in Tennessee was glorious, other than the fact that I was stuck on the ground in that spot. One can look around and see the fantastic magnificence of the view and love it, but still have the thought that "this is only one perspective..."
When I returned from my fabulous vacation, I made more discoveries. Apparently I have a sadistic side when it comes to wasps, bees, and yellow jackets. I caught a yellow jacket in my room one day and set it free, since I didn't have time to deal with it. Well a few days later I found another yellow jacket in my room (possibly the one I had set free before...?) and so I caught this one with a glass and a saucer like before, only this time he was not getting set free. He had intruded upon my privacy for the last time! So I decided to poison the yellow jacket (now named Stan) for his trespassing.
But don't think that I have not learned anything from my encounter with Stan the yellow jacket. He, along with my vacation in the mountains, has inspired me to write a short story about a little boy journeying to the top of a mountain to set free his captive butterfly. The story just sort of hit me one night, and it is really coming along nicely! I mainly wanted to emphasize the trapping of an innocent, flying creature and also present a redemptive journey through unbelievable trials with a spirit of perseverance. Did I ever say how much I love a good story? :) I think this one is going to be a real gem. I'm not sure yet how long it will be, but I'm at about 3 pages right now. Isn't it funny how we glean inspiration? Mountains and yellow jackets...who could have figured?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Freedom. Such a beautiful and bewitching word! It is a word that inspires wherever it is spoken. Freedom is a glorious thing to someone who has been in any kind of trap before. Especially a trap like school. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. There is this ridiculous system of education in this country that makes very little sense at all. Once you graduate high school, the "logical" next step is to go to college. Why? Well, we are expected to educate ourselves in order to prepare for a career. So we can live the "American Dream". HA!
What is the "American Dream", anyway? Does anyone live it? As a young adult I just cannot justify throwing monstrous amounts of money after a degree that doesn't necessarily guarantee a stable and successful future. Look at colleges/universities nowadays! They are these extravagant, expensively maintained resorts! For what purpose?! I could sit in a library, read all day, and get a more thorough education than I would recieve by living on campus at some hoity toity university! The standards of a good education are decreasing while the price on obtaining said education is rising! But it is all in the name of future career options, because we all know that getting a decent job without that bona fide degree is basically impossible. It is a system that I can't understand and I don't agree with. Is there any way to change it?
The real problem with this, like anything, is that it stems from heart and attitude problems. People are lazy and want to cheat the system in their favor any chance they get. Naturally, employers want to see discipline, commitment and diligence. A degree looks like a promising sign of those much-desired qualities. But going to school doesn't necessarily mean that an individual has a good work ethic! It's a ploy. Now I'm not knocking education. I am all about learning new things. However, the problem here is the pointlessness of a system that involves literally "buying" a job.  It isn't justifiable to me. The "American Dream" is a fantasy. A laughable fantasy.
So what can we do? I seem to be very adept at digging up questions that don't have easy answers. All I know how to do is to be sincere, to work diligently, and to do everything unto the Lord. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. We look at things through the wrong lense all the time and it just leads to frustration and depression. We were not made to live some kind of "American Dream". There is a much bigger picture that we often times ignore. Thank God, that He provides and that He will never let us down. I'm grateful that He is so faithful and bigger than my college complaints! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Splunk butt into swivel-chair,
it sinks slowly.
Scootch up to the desk,
the cool surface chills my skin.
Hand chases the mouse—
that cold, clicky rodent.
Cursor to the icon…
“Basic ISP”
Right click for menu,
Left click “connect”.
The hourglass appears…
blank white screen.
Eyes drag to the bottom of the page
heart holds a beat,
Only 20 items remaining…
A dazzling flash—
all colors, pictures, and words!
the page has arriv—

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter weekend was great! A friend came to town to visit and we ran around like psychos all day Saturday, which was much-needed. Of all the adventures to have, the best are experienced with other people. I'm just so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life, they continually cheer me up and inspire me to write. Saturdays are usually so monotonous for me, so having one to spend with others doing whatever we want is a breath of fresh air for sure! We raided the local library, dug through old letters, sorted through poems that could be made into songs, and played an intense game of bull crap, which I won! (I attribute this to being a very honest player, or, at least, knowing when to lie and when to call someone else's bluff.)
I woke up Monday morning realizing that the semi-annual end-of-the-semester crunch time was upon me. All I see in the near future is homework. And rain. So much rain that my backyard is speedily turning into a grassy jungle. Which, I actually like. Maybe if I lay in the grass long enough no one will ever find me and force me to work ever again. Haha, until the goats are let out and ignorantly try to eat me along with the grass. Skittles. Back to the drawing board....
Thanks for reading and keep posted, more poetry is coming! Hope you all liked "Learning to deal with it". I wrote that one about a year ago. :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

This morning came way too fast. My cell phone started playing my morning wake-up song and I was thinking that there was no justice in this life. That thought lingered over my morning bowl of oatmeal as well, which was flavorless AND watery. Though, I can't decide how I loathe it more, flavorless and watery or flavorless and sticky. At least my older brother, whom I affectionately call "Mooch" is home from his trip to the Dominican Republic! I can't wait to pick his brain about all the experiences he had on this latest mission's trip. I'm sure he has some great stories.
I was really excited to see that a bunch of you were interested in my blog! I have a lot of poetry that I want to put on here and there's some fun short stories I had written a while ago that I thought you all might find humorous too. I will try to get those up as soon as possible. Also, don't forget to look at my "Words of a Wiseman" below on this page. I have a wealth of great quotes that I will try to change up every so often to give you wonderful folks something to ponder.
Well, I have a class to run off to right now, but stay posted cause there's some great stuff soon to come!
P.S. I encourage all of you who have opinions and creative minds (ALL OF YOU) to start your own blogs! I would love to follow some of you and it is really a blast to write like this. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

And So It Begins...

So this is the magical world of blogging! I admit, I have always been curious about blogs, but being slightly lazy and mostly sheltered I had never looked into creating one. Two very kind and inspirational friends helped me get this started and warned me that it is an addicting hobby. I can't wait to find out!
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a young, inspiring blob of humanity with a deep devotion to Charles Dickens, and most classic works of literature. I love to write. Poetry, short stories, letters, long stories...they're all marvelous. More than anything, I love experiencing life; there are all these quirky adventures and bizarre people threaded throughout this world. There's always something to glean, always a new story to listen to, always friends in unlikely places to meet. So, if you also love to laugh, or enjoy a story never told before, come along for the journey. It's going to be interesting!